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Boundary Surveys

​Boynton & Associates LLC specializes in performing top quality Boundary Surveys for all types of land owners. We have performed hundreds of Boundary Surveys since 2004. A Boundary Survey can range from a quarter of an acre to several hundred acres. Client requests a Boundary Survey for the following reasons: timber harvest, possible encroachment, buying or selling, to determine acreage, physical location of boundaries, and or to redefine and confirm boundary lines and or corners. Boundary Surveys are performed according to the Standards Set by the Board if Licensure.


The Services you can expect from Boynton & Associates LLC are:


Boundary Survey

A boundary survey is the measuring of and determination of the size and physical location of a parcel of land that has been described either graphically (Plat) or in writing (Deed).

Boundary surveys are needed whenever there is a need to know the physical location of a property line. This can occur when there is a dispute between adjoining property owners, or if a structure is going to be constructed. Many times it is also a requirement for a loan or refinance on a subject property, to protect the mortgager.


Actions Performed by Boynton & Associates LLC​

  • Written Work Agreement 

  • Location of Property Monumentation

  • Location of Site Improvements in Relation to Boundary Monumentation

  • Location of Any Visible Evidence of Use or Easement

  • Creating a Map or Plat of Said Survey


What Service is Provided

  • Accurate Measurement of all Features & Monumentation

  • Creating a Map or Plat of Said Measurements

  • Setting any Missing Boundary Monumentation

  • Flagging, Painting and Blazing of all Wooded Boundaries

  • Provide Printed Color CAD Survey Plan (24" x 36") (Includes AERIAL VIEW MAP & USGS AREA MAP)

  • Provide Mylar copy and prints of plans for State Registry (when requested)

  • Shape Files of all Boundary lines and GPS Coordinates for monumentation (when requested)

  • Provide Boundary Survey over Aerial Map (when requested)

  • Consultation with Client to provide clear understanding of all findings and issues 

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